Dupa o lunga tacere, si o pauza de vara doresc sa revin cu informatii referitoare la sezonul numarul 21. Avem 12 echipe inscrise in campionat mai astept de la unii fisele de inscriere pentru a finaliza partea burocratica. Pana in data de 22.09.2023 voi face programa primelor doua etape si le voi afisa pe site….
Ceau la toti, in primul rand as dorii sa multumesc tuturor pentru participarea la sezonul aniversar cu numarul 20 si la fel pentru implicarea tuturor oficialilor si organizatorilor. Sincer sa fiu acum 20 de ani cand am inceput nu am crezut ca vom ajunge asa de departe, adica sa finalizam cu bine 20 de sezoane…
In data de 8 octombrie a inceput sezonul cu numarul 20. In prima confruntare al sezonului s-au intalnit echipele Best si Valbon, meci care totdeauna a fost considerat un derby ABLA. In cadrul echipei Best s-au reunit jucatorii vechi al acestei echipe cum ar fii Kovacs Adam, Mihnea Burtea sau Victor Veina, care au dus…
Hi everybody We want to announce all of you, that we start the registration for the new season 2019-2020. The new season will start in 5 of October. The registration period will start from today and will close in 20 of September. You can download the registration form in RO and EN languages from Info…
Hello all, let’s start off with the 1st round of the ABL, with the games between Best Arad and Mp sport Tm, Scorpionii vs Vikings Plumbers vs Younique and Bastards vs Phoenix. Best vs MP, a duel between the future of basketball on this side of the country. MP lost altough the performance of Luci…
Hello everyone, a new season of the ABL is about to start. We set the starting date to the 6th of October. After the staff meeting we had last week, we established some rules for the new season. Each team, must fill out and send the participation form until 29.09.2018 via e-mail. Partially completed forms…
Hello all, Last week we had a couple of games, 2 in the B league and one in the interleague. In the interleague, the Plumbers were toppes by 4 points by Best. Vally had 28 points 10 rebounds and 7 assists. Borics and Kovacs’ eforts were not enough from the losing team as they…
Hello people. Great weekend with a lot of games. Shmac Cluj played 3 games. First one against Valbon. Easy win 82-46 behind Robi Antals big double-double 17 points 14 boards. Iov was again the lead scorer for Valbon with 17. Big game by Sabri Joulak in the win against Shmac. Condorii won by one…
Hello all. Out of 4 games planned for last weekend,only 2 of them took place. From the A League Younique won against the Spartans 75-57. Pidi Czmor led his team with 21 points and 4 three pointers. From the Spartans, Ardeu Christian with 16 points was the lead scorer. The 2nd game of the…
Hello everyone. We had 2 weeks full of basketball, with junior league games and ABL games. 2 weeks ago we had in ABL All Blacks against phoenix. Phoenix lost 37-58. Pavel with 21 was the best scorer of the game. Moraru from Phoenix with 14 was the best scorer for his team. Another game…